In Greek for the Very First Time
O u r M i s s i o n
The mission of Loggia Publishing House is to introduce authors from around the world to Greek readers for the very first time.
We are primarily interested in literature and in new writers and writing styles.
O u r B o o k l o o k
Loggia Publishing House Book Covers have been conceived and designed to make a simple but strong statement.
Three colors are used to differentiate three literary genres. Purple for Poetry, Yellow for Short Stories and Green for Novels.
O u r P r e m i s e s
Loggia Publishing House’s new premises in downtown Athens has been polymorphically designed to serve as Loggia’s headquarters,
its bookstore, and also has a built in amphitheatrical space to host book presentations along with selected cultural events.
G r a n t s
We are proud to announce the following gracious endowments for our efforts and trust in our establishment.
The Goethe Institute Translations Grant Committee has endowed Loggia Publishing House with a grant towards
translation costs for the novel Apollokalypse, by Gerhard Falkner.
2019/02, 2021/07
The Romanian Cultural Institute has endowed Loggia Publishing House with a full grant towards translation costs
for the novels Întâmplări în irealitatea imediată, Inimi cicatrizate and Vizuina luminată - Jurnal de sanatoriu, by Max Blecher.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy has endowed Loggia Publishing House
with a grant towards translation costs for the novel Dissipatio H.G., by Guido Morselli.
The ProHelvetia Swiss Art Council has endowed Loggia Publishing House with a grant towards translation costs for the novels
Out of the sugar factory, by Dorothee Elmiger and Tamangur by Leta Semadeni.
O u r B o o k s
Nicola Pugliese, Dark Water, (Novel), Translation: Evanghelia Giannou, p.220
Malacqua, Nicola Pugliese, Ed. pr. 1977
Alden Nowlan, It’s Good to be Here, (An Anthology of Alden Nowlan’s Poetry), Translation: Giannis Palavos, Bilingual Edition, p.128
Max Blecher, Events in Immediate Irreality, (Novel), Translation: Victor Ivanovici, p.176
Întâmplări în irealitatea imediată, Max Blecher, Ed. pr. 1936
Eduard von Keyserling, Waves, (Novel), Translation: Anastasia Chatzigiannidi, p.214
Wellen, Eduard von Keyserling, Ed. Pr. 1911
Mario Andrea Rigoni, The dark side of the things, (Short stories collection, 2009-2017), Translation: Maria Frangouli,
Translation rights acquired by Mario Andrea Rigoni, p.147
Eva Bey, My life with Nikos Karouzos, (Memoir, 2020), Copyright acquired by Eva Bey, p.381
Gerhard Falkner, Apollokalypse, (Novel, 2016), Translation: Marina Agathagelidou. Translation rights acquired by Piper Verlag, p.640
John Keene, Counternarratives, (Stories and Novellas, 2015), Translation: Yorgos Maragos.
Translation rights acquired by John Keene, represented by Straus Literary, p.459
Max Blecher, Scarred Hearts (Novel), Translation: Victor Ivanovici, Copyright has expired, p.253
Inimi Cicatrizate, Max Blecher, Ed. pr. 1937
Artemis Psilopoulou, What yet has not die, (Novella, 2022), Copyright acquired by Artemis Psilopoulou, p.111
Vassilis Tsiboukis, Flatmate, 32 piano pieces, (Novella, 2022), Copyright acquired by Vassilis Tsiboukis, p.167
Nikos Skalkottas, Letters of his youth, (Memoir, 2022), Copyright has expired, p.495
Itzhak Katzenelson, The Song of the Murdered Jewish People, (Poetry, 1944), Translation: Kostas Vrachnos,
No translation Rights, Copyright has expired, p.151
Translation rights acquired by Tatiana Tolstaya represented by The Wylie Agency, p.287
Лёгкие миры, Татьяна Толстая, Ed. pr. 2014
Guido Morselli, Dissipatio H.G., (Novel, 1977), Translation: Maria Frangouli. Translation rights acquired by Adelphi Edizioni, p.183
Nikos Kornilios, The cypress of the sea depth, (Poetry, 2023), Copyright acquired by Nikos Kornilios, p.119
Dorothee Elmiger, Out of the sugar factory, (Novel), Translation: Iannis Kalifatidis, Translation rights acquired by Hanser Verlage, p.299Aus der Zuckerfabrik, Dorothee Elmiger, Ed. pr. 2020 Jackie Kay, Adoption papers, (Poetry, 1991), Translation: Maria S. Blana, Translation rights acquired by Bloodaxe Books, Bilingual Edition, p.93.
Fotis Manikas, I don’t recall any doors near us, (Stories and Novellas, 2023), Copyright acquired by Fotis Manikas, p.221.
Leta Semadeni, Tamangur, (Novel, 2015), Translation: Teo Votsos, Translation rights acquired by Rotpunktverlag, p.131.
Nicola Pugliese, The black ship, Translation: Demetra Dotsi, p.86. La nave nera, Nicola Pugliese, Ed. pr. 2008
Max Blecher, The lighted burrow, A sanatorium journal, (Novel), Translation: Victor Ivanovici, No translation Rights, Copyright has expired, p.247.
Vizuina luminată. Jurnal de sanatoriu, Max Blecher, Ed. pr. 1971
Guram Dochanashvili, A Man Who Loved Literature, Translation: Demetris Tsekouras. Copyright acquired by Ketevan Dochanashvili, p.103.
Juan José Arreola, Bestiario, Translation: Kostas Vrachnos. Translation rights acquired by Editorial Planeta Mexicana S.A de C.V, p.167.
Demetra Panayiotopoulou, Sha la la. Copyright acquired by Demetra Panayiotopoulou, p.63.
Anne Brontë, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Translation: Sofia Avgerinou, No translation Rights, Copyright has expired.
Vincenzo Latronico, The perfections, Translation: Demetra Dotsi.